Creative Programming


The course Creative Programming intends to enable students to explore, prototype, create and demonstrate innovative concepts and experiences in a tangible context by mastering fundamental programming concepts and integrating sensors and actuators.

In my work for this course, an infrared proximity sensor is attached to the top edge of the laptop. When a person sitting in front of the laptop moves closer to the laptop (meaning, the proximity sensor), the visuals that can be viewed on the laptop screen will ‘react’ to this behavior. These visuals are 1500 ellipses, which represent ‘particles’. When the particles are feeling ‘comfortable’, they will express normal behavior, which is moving around with quite a temper. When the person in front of the laptop moves closer to the particles, and eventually moves too close to the particles, the particles will react by moving away to the corners of the screen, because their personal space is invaded.

When the person in front of the laptop moves back to a distance in which the particles feel comfortable, the particles will gradually move back to the center of their environment.

Inspiration was drawn from Proxemics by E.T. Hall [1]. Proxemics is the scientific study of the human usage of space and the effects of the population density to one’s behavior, communication and social interaction [1]. This program was designed to make Proxemics experienceable, without actually having to bother other people by invading their personal or even intimate space. By being aware of the particles moving away from you when invading their personal or intimate space, you immediately sense the consequences of your behavior to someone (or something, in this case) else’s behavior.

Master Industrial Design (TU/e)


Premaster course

Creative Programming

dr. J. Hu

S1 Q1 (2018/2019)


Technology & Realization, Experiential Prototype, Teensy, Arduino, Processing, Proximity Sensor, Proxemics



Before attending this course, my identity as a designer did not yet consist of writing code, soldering, creating electric circuits and it definitely didn’t consist of having fun while doing these things. Throughout my previous education, I have - somewhat unconsciously - built a metaphorical wall around everything technical. Because I noticed that my fellow students were doing better than me on the more technical subjects, I decided that everything technical just ‘wasn’t my thing’ and because it ‘wasn’t my thing’, I decided to do my best to just pass the courses, but I didn’t put in any extra effort to make it my own.

One of the major reasons why I decided to apply for the Premaster’s program of Industrial Design was that I still feel incomplete as a designer, as I claim to be an interaction designer with specific passion for user experience design, but I feel that a true interaction/UX designer should be able to actually create experienceable prototypes of his/her designs. I wanted to give myself a second chance in becoming the designer that I actually want to be. I want coding, working with an Arduino, building prototypes and embedding new technologies into my designs to be part of my knowledge, skills and eventually attitude as an interaction and experience designer. I want to break the metaphorical wall that I have built around everything technical and allow myself to dive into this field in order to experience the opportunities that it can offer me when designing.

This course - the very first technical course within my journey on the TU/e - has given me a great kick-off into breaking this wall and making technology my own. I have learned that if I want to design a certain interaction or experience, I can create it very quickly on screen, like a very quick and easy ‘digital paper prototype’. I have also learned that even the best programmer in class is as good in programming as Google is, and that the programming-world is an enthusiastic, caring community that is very eager to help out complete strangers on a coding problem, without wanting to have anything in return. Being part of this community gave me a very good feeling.

But most importantly: I have learned that if I have an idea for a design or an interaction and I want to make it experienceable through code, I can. It might take me a bit longer than the average student, but I can do it. I won’t allow myself to say that this ‘isn’t my thing’ anymore, because it can be my thing.

Finally, concerning my PreMaster this course is the only course for the AE of Technology & Realization, but I am determined to choose more courses that integrate this Area of Expertise as the electives of my Master’s program. I will never be the best of my class, but I now know - through this course - that I can work towards making coding, working with an Arduino and building prototypes part of my identity as a designer, so that I can become the interaction and experience designer that I aspire to be.


Hall, E. (1963). A System for the Notation of Proxemic Behavior. Retrieved November 2, 2018, from


Hall, E. (1963). A System for the Notation of Proxemic Behavior. Retrieved November 2, 2018, from


Hall, E. (1963). A System for the Notation of Proxemic Behavior. Retrieved November 2, 2018, from https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wile