Netvlies internship assignment


This project was carried out during a five-month full-time internship at Netvlies Internetdiensten (Breda, The Netherlands), which is a small company (+/- 40 employees) that provides the full package of internet services - from a marketing strategy to full implementation and maintenance/support of websites and web applications - whilst advocating the Agile mindset and applying the SCRUM method.

For the internship assignment - a project that is carried out within the internship and is expected to occupy 50% of the intern's time - a proposal for one of Netvlies' clients was presented and accepted. TravelActive is an organization that offers extracurricular travel opportunities or cultural exchanges (often combined with volunteer work, projects or studying) targeted towards the millennial generation: they promise a full-package service that is both professional and of high quality. After TravelActive went into business with Netvlies a new marketing strategy and a state-of-the-art website have been delivered, which has resulted in an astonishing increase in conversion. Despite initial success, the proposed internship assignment was to iterate this website by empathizing more with the target audience: the TravelActive website 'only' presents an overview of all the programs that are offered, including all detailed content pages of each program, whilst it is generally known that the millennial generation tends to orientate through reading reviews and experiences of people that they can relate to. The internship assignment was dedicated to the main goal of keeping the TravelActive-traveller engaged with TravelActive before, during and after their travels.

Adopting the Design Thinking method, the vast majority of this project was occupied by empathizing with the user and defining conclusions and design criteria, by means of performing desk research, interviewing the target audience and collecting results from a questionnaire that was completed by 300 former TravelActive travellers. Two design sprints (ideation, prototyping and testing) resulted in a promising concept that was realized in the implementation phase. The final prototype presents a live world map integrated in the web application of TravelActive, in which viewers are presented with an overview of current TravelActive-travellers and their whereabouts. The orientating client can view current TravelActive-travellers' blogs, can directly switch to the detailed program page in question and can make contact with TravelActive-travellers by requesting to become a 'buddy'. In this way, the 'experienced traveller' and the 'orientating client' are brought together.

To conclude the project, the end result was proudly presented to the client at the headquarters of TravelActive (Venray, The Netherlands) and the client was utterly excited about the result, despite it being a hypothetical collaboration without initial intention for actual implementation. "I have to watch myself for not starting to like it too much." - Product Owner of TravelActive.

Bachelor Communication- and Multimedia Design (Avans Hogeschool)

Full-time internship at Netvlies Internetdiensten (Breda, The Netherlands)

Internship assignment



Michel Witter (Avans)
Freek Gerritsen (Netvlies)

S2 (2016/2017)

Thijs van de Meerendonk

Agile, Scrum, Interaction Design, Interface Design, UX Design, Marketing Strategy, Digital Design, Prototyping, Pitching
